Inspiration. Guidance. Support.

Follow Your Dreams!

no matter how crazy it seems...

Your Dreams ARE Possible

Know this...You CAN have the life your soul is aching for!


You CAN escape the day-to-day, humdrum lifestyle and find the freedom to live out YOUR dreams,

No matter HOW crazy it seems.


In this blog you'll find all the tools, guidance, and support you need to achieve those crazy,

out-of-the-ordinary dreams.




A few years back I drastically changed my life to follow my dreams.

I quit my 20+ year career in corporate sales, sold my house, bought a boat and went sailing.

In order to do so, I needed to find freedom to live out my dreams.

That included a way to support myself monetarily from anywhere and get in the right state of mind for success.

Thankfully I was able to find all I needed to live out the life of my dreams!

Now I get to help people like you find that freedom too.

My mission is to supply you with all the resources you'll need to gain a modern online business education that will help support the lifestyle you choose, no matter where you are in the world and find the best mindset to successfully create change.

woman with her dogs at the top of a mountain in Colorado

Overcoming Obstacles to a New Beginning

By Anne Anthony |

It’s just after New Years. Just after celebrating new beginnings. Not only is it a good time to be thankful for the New Year but it’s also a good time to use that as inspiration for starting a new life ourselves. But how exactly do you start a new life of your dreams… especially after […]

A dreamy picture of the ocean with some sand and a pink sky peeping through the clouds

What Makes You Realize Your Dreams

By Anne Anthony |

What helps you realize your dreams? Be open and invite some magic into your life. Wait, what?!? Magic??? If letting magic into your life sounds a little too “spiritual” hoodoo-voodoo for you, hear me out. Going after your dreams is a process. It’s not like you just wake up one day deciding “That’s it! I […]

The Beginning of a Dream Coming True

By Anne Anthony |

This is the beginning of my own personal story. A journey toward my dreams… My dreams of freedom to live life on my terms. Freedom from a boss and freedom to go sailing and explore this big, expansive, beautiful world! The Big Decision to Change A few years back I made a big decision. I […]

How to Find Time to Change Your Life

By Anne Anthony |

Are you wanting to create more freedom in your life to follow your dreams but just don’t see how you can fit it into your busy lifestyle? Maybe you’re looking at getting a certification so you can get some clients of your own and not have to work for someone else as much anymore. Or […]

An image showing the new calmer lifestyle of lounging on the beach

5 Signs You’re Ready for a Lifestyle Change

By Anne Anthony |

Have you been feeling a bit stifled by your current situation and thinking you might be ready to make a major change? But not exactly sure whether that’s a good idea or complete crazy talk? Maybe after thinking about it for a while you’re talking yourself out of it, believing things are perfectly fine the […]

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How to Calm the Anxiety of Change

By Anne Anthony |

Change. We’re always looking for it, wanting it, or asking for it. As humans we have an instinct to want to improve ourselves, our circumstances, or our lives.  Oftentimes it’s because we reach plateaus with our career, we look for more fulfillment from what we do in life, or we just outgrow the place we’re […]

3 Reasons to Follow Your Dreams

By Anne Anthony |

The decision to follow your dreams can be a very exciting one but also a nerve-wracking one. How will you survive financially? Will your loved ones go along with the idea? What happens if it doesn’t work out? When I was presented with how I would be able to financially support building my own business […]

working on laptop at a marina

Best Way to Start Living the Dream Life

By Anne Anthony |

Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to “live the dream”? Me Too!!! That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to sell everything I owned including my Colorado cottage, quit my 20+ year career and move onto a sailboat. The curiosity of living the dream got to me and without expecting it, I found […]

it's time you start your journey!

Discover How To Financially Support Following Your Dreams by Preparing, Launching, and Growing an Online Business

Only for those who believe in following your dreams...

no matter how crazy it seems.

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