It’s just after New Years. Just after celebrating new beginnings. Not only is it a good time to be thankful for the New Year but it’s also a good time to use that as inspiration for starting a new life ourselves.
But how exactly do you start a new life of your dreams… especially after 40?!?
How do you make the change really stick this time? Why haven’t you been able to make this change before? What on earth could you be doing wrong? Why haven’t you realized your dreams yet?
Ok, first of all, take a deep breath.
While these are all valid questions, the absolute best way for overcoming obstacles to a new beginning is to slow down, relax your thoughts, and calm yourself.
Even as I’m writing this, I am doing this myself.
The self-doubt, the questioning, the talk in your head saying you’ll never be able to make this change happen, that’s all NOT true!
It’s all just gibberish you make up to keep yourself protected. And it’s causing you stress!
And THAT’S why the life transformation you really want can’t happen. Stress can impact your decision making.
As you go through your daily life, you make decisions that will either keep you where you are now or get you closer to where you want to be.
So first and foremost, let’s relax together.
Relax Your Thoughts
This is where your empowerment begins. By relaxing your mind.
How do you do that? Let’s walk through it.
First close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and listen. Listen to all the sounds that are happening around you with love & appreciation. Loving that you’re alive and appreciating that you have the ability to hear them.
Then do the same with the smells. Is something cooking? How awesome! There’s nourishment. Ask yourself what that food tastes like? Is it a flavor you enjoy?
If there’s nothing cooking, is a smelly candle burning? How fantastic! Your place smells so nice.
What about the air? Is there a fire going warming your feet? Or a breeze on your face that cools the air?
You get the idea, just lose yourself for a moment.
THEN think about your change.
Still feeling anxious? Try some more in-depth practices I share in my blog to calm the anxiety from change.
Better now?
Are you ready to dive into how to create the change you’re wanting in life?
Great! Let’s go over how to do that.
See Your New Beginnings
Now that your thoughts are calm, it’s time to get clarity on what you’d like to see happen in your life. This will keep you on the right track as you move forward. It will help you understand your decisions better and recognize which ones will be moving you toward your dreams or moving you away from them, giving you confidence YOUR DREAMS WILL BE REALIZED.
Can you see what your dreams look like?
Will the sun be shining? Are the colors bright or muted?
What do you see yourself doing? And how does it make you feel?
Who are you with? Are you excited or at peace?
You’re now visualizing your dreams. They’re happening right before your very eyes.
You’re now on your way to success!
Isn’t it fabulous?!?
Write Your Experience Down
Now all I want you to do is write down what you visualized. This is one more step of solidifying the change you want in your thoughts. We process our thoughts differently so we want to make sure to cover all the ways they’re processed to remember them.
Write down what you were doing. How it looked, how it smelled, how it felt on your skin, and what it felt like for you emotionally.
You can even write down some more specifics about the experience if they come to mind.
Are you feeling new and refreshed?
Welcome to the new you happening 🙂
Every Day Practice
Your next step from here is just to commit to 15 minutes every day of doing this visualization exercise & writing down whatever comes to you.
Don’t judge it, just write it down.
This type of inspired thought will guide you to steps and opportunities that you can’t conjure up on your own, even if you think really hard on it. The key here is to allow the thoughts to happen, rather than pushing them to appear.
The ideas to get you where you want to be will come. And they will happen faster and faster for you if you accept them with an open mind.
How am I so confident this will happen?
This is how I was inspired to start a new life myself! The product I invented just came to me, the idea to sell my house and buy a boat just came to me. I wasn’t thinking hard on them, obsessing over how to make it happen, I just let it come to me.
The same can happen for you too!
I'd love to hear how this worked for you in the comments below.
Many Blessings ~
PS. You can watch more of my story on YouTube. Here's a good place to start:
Thanks for the great post. Happy New Year! BTW – great pic on top of the peak.
Smooth sailing.