The Beginning of a Dream Coming True

This is the beginning of my own personal story.

A journey toward my dreams…

My dreams of freedom to live life on my terms. Freedom from a boss and freedom to go sailing and explore this big, expansive, beautiful world!


The Big Decision to Change

A few years back I made a big decision. I knew that I had to make a change.

I was busy doing the same old same old, in the grind, the rat race, and really not feeling like I was getting anywhere with life.

I had to take a long look at my situation, the house we lived in, the location where we lived…

Which was a beautiful place in Colorado right next to a lake BUT ~ and there’s always a but ~

It was an old house that needed a lot of work.

We knew that if we wanted to make it what we had envisioned it would take a lot more time, like another 10 years, and a lot more money!

So there I was, living the rat race, grinding away, and just really not feeling like life was going anywhere.

That’s why I decided that I had to do something about it.

The Steps I Took

I created a product of my own, and turned that into my own company, selling my product online.

But I was only working at it part time while working in my long-time career of corporate sales, so I really couldn’t grow my company.

That’s when I began looking for ways to find more freedom.

I started doing some courses to create change, one was a 12-week course and one a six-month course, both to help me get in the right mindset for success.

I needed focus on what I truly wanted in life and how I wanted my life to be.

Not just needing freedom. But freedom from what exactly.

I had to get specific.

I needed freedom financially, so I wouldn't be tied to anyone or any banks.

I needed freedom professionally, so that I could be my own boss and grow my business.

And I needed freedom personally, to just get out of my head and enjoy life more, while having as many adventures as I could.

Working as a sales professional was very stressful.

The conditions of a job like that wreaks havoc on one's health.

Some of my colleagues got very sick and others even passed away before they got to retire.

And this was not even in a big company, there were only about 25 - 30 employees, but 4 of them died in the 6 years I worked there.

After experiencing that, I just knew that I didn't want that for myself. I didn't want that for my husband either.

Through the success driven mindset courses that I took, I really got laser focused, and began to visualize myself in the situation I wanted, in that world of being free.

Just feeling happy and joyous, in everything that I did.

And then what happened was a bit of a miracle!

The Surprise Event

My husband came home from work one day and said ‘I have an idea that could solve a lot of issues for us.’

He suggested we just sell the house, sell everything in it, and go sailing.

We had dreamt of sailing for 20-some odd years, although we said we would never, ever sell our house. Lol.

Our plan was to get a sailboat down the road and have the house as well.

But since we were in our late 40s, we just figured why wait?!?

So that's what we did.

It was September 1 when he sprung the idea on me and we put our house on the market only 3 weeks later, September 22.

The day that we put our house on the market, we got three offers within 48 hours.

We accepted an offer on the 25th of September and then exactly one month later, on the 25th of October, we signed on the dotted line.

 We literally sold or gave away just about everything we had, packed up a trailer that was hitched to the back of our pickup truck, and drove across the country from Colorado to Connecticut.

The Beginning of the Dream

Now here we are, with the boat.

Her name is Masha Leigh.

She had been out of the water for about 12 years so work needed to be done on her, and that’s part of the adventure I’ll be sharing with you.

It’s all a part of following my dream.

Being free enough in life to own my own company so I can go sailing on my own boat.

I'll be honest. I was not very familiar with sailing.

I'd been sailing but I didn't know much about it, so it’s all one big learning experience.

I'll be sharing with you everything that I'm learning and our adventures.

Hopefully it will give you some inspiration to go after what fulfills you. 

And not give up on whatever dreams you have.

Know that it's never too late.

Put yourself in the world of your dreams.

Focus on it, live it, and believe it can come true for you.

That’s it for now.

I'll be putting videos together to show you what we've been up to since we left Colorado.

I hope to see you next time.

Many Blessings ~


2 thoughts on “The Beginning of a Dream Coming True”

  1. Mike

    Wow what an inspiring story! Can’t wait to read more about the adventure.

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